Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Research of the HIV Virus (as a pathogenic microorganism) Essay

Research of the human immunodeficiency virus Virus (as a pathogenic microorganism) - Essay ExampleHIV kindle be transmitted and therefore originates from direct contact of a mucous membrane with a bodily fluid that contains HIV, such as semen, vaginal fluid, blood, preseminal fluid, or even breast milk. This transmission can come in any of several forms penetrative (anal or vaginal) sex, oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated needles, exchange between mother and infant during pregnancy or childbirth, exchange between mother and infant during breastfeeding, or through any other exposure to one of the preceding(prenominal) bodily fluids. HIV is spread most commonly by having unprotected sex with an infected partner.There are several early warning symptoms of the HIV infection. Many people do not experience any of these symptoms when they start-off become infected, but may, however, have a flu-like illness within a calendar month or two after exposure to the virus. (National I nstitute of allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2005). These symptoms can and may include any or all of the followingmonth or two after first experienced and are then often mistaken as had being simply another viral infection, such as a cold or flu. It is during this period that people are especially infectious, which may partially explain the increasing epidemic of the virus.In fact, more than persistent or severe symptoms may not actually even appear for 10 years or more after HIV first enters the body in adults, or within 2 years in children born with HIV infection. This period of asymptomatic infection varies greatly in distributively individual. Some people may begin to have symptoms within a few months, while others may be symptom-free for more than 10 years. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2005).Although there is this asymptomatic period of the virus, the entire time the virus is still actively multiplying, infecting and killing cells of the immune sys tem. The virus can also cover up within infected cells and lay

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